mantra music to elevate your meditative experience


Sat Nam β€”

& welcome to this space

We are so happy that you found your way here. We are lovers, parents, yoga & meditation teachers, coaches and musicians who create mantra music together. Chanting mantras or just listening to them can transport you into a meditative mind space and guide you out of negative repetitve thinking patterns. Explore the world of mantra and sound healing with us.

Mitali and Robert with Circle biege3.png


The Sat Nam Sessions

β€œSo in love with this healing sound current you’ve created.”

β€œThe sound that accompanied me while giving birth to my angel.”

β€œYou guys are just magic.”

The Sat Nam Sessions is our musical love project. Grounded in a deep appreciation and love for mantras we create a special sound current to deepen your meditative experience and elevate your consciousness.


The act of creation is an attempt to enter a mysterious realm, a longing to transcend. What we create allows us to share a glimps of an inner landscape, one that is beyond our understanding. Art is our portal to the unseen world.

- Rick Rubin



bahota karam is the first single of our upcoming album. let yourself be carried by this mantra into the frequency of prosperity, abundance, elevated self belief, manifestation & miracles


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